Meet G

GTours Wales Sound Healing Therapy

Before setting up G Nature & Wellbeing I’d spent the past 22 years in various sales and leadership roles in the pharmaceutical industry covering Wales, the North West, South West and South Central England.

On the whole the industry has served me well. I got to know a fair bit of the UK and enjoyed various swanky conferences and sales award trips abroad.

GTours Wales Sound Healing Therapy


During this period I enjoyed regular travel, and also took a life changing 16 month trip backpacking in 2007, post redundancy. So when redundancy hit at the end of 2020 I knew it was an opportunity to stop and take stock once more.

However this time life circumstances were a quite different, not to mention being locked down in a global pandemic!


GTours Wales Sound Healing Therapy
GTours Wales Sound Healing Therapy

Like so many others during the Covid pandemic I faced some significant life events, including the loss of my father, work stress and redundancy, diagnosis as neurodiverse ADHD, breakdown of a long term relationship, and our house sale. Though I didn’t initially want to acknowledge it, my mask was slipping as associated stresses and anxieties also presented themselves. I needed this timeout.


GTours Wales Sound Healing Therapy

A consistent boost for me throughout this period was time spent in nature.  Taking a stroll along the coastline, feeling the breeze on my face, walking through the beautiful mountains or exploring calming ancient woodland or forests.

Now, I’ve always enjoyed nature, especially having explored some amazing landscapes worldwide, however, I never really appreciated quite how much energy, motivation and lift nature gives us, until recently.

Fascinated by the affect nature had on my mood, I started to learn how our neurotransmitters, or brain chemicals, can be positively affected by nature, then I discovered the mindful Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku, otherwise known as Forest Bathing. I took a particular interest in the neurotransmitter Dopamine as this can be dysregulated in those of us with ADHD.  and I also learnt how meditation can also boost our dopamine levels. This prompted me to start meditating, and led me to my meditative gong bath journey.

Geraint Gong Bath walking forest bathing guide
What inspired G Nature & Wellbing?

Nature’s Health impact on both our psychological and physiological Health & Wellbeing has compelled me to evaluate my values and intrinsic drivers. I found that over time a need for purpose crept its way into my top 3 motivational drivers, alongside creative and learning.

This shift resonated with me as I pondered my future and discoverd my Ikigai, my motivating force in living a fulfilled life, which combines my passion for travel, Wales, self development, people, wellness and nature.

So I went about retraining and setting up G Nature & Wellbeing, an opportunity to help others find their calm and restorative states through wellbeing pratices that helped me cut through the stress, brain fog and anxiety, whilst spending less sedentary time indoors and more time outdoors.


GTours Wales Sound Healing Therapy
GTours Wales Sound Healing Therapy
My journey so far

As lockdown eased I set about clocking up awards and qualifications, which quickly  serving my personal growth. I learnt valuable life skills, whilst slowing down and being more self compassionate.

During this journey I broadened my networks and met many inspiring people.

During my training period I discovered many new walks, coves, forests, ancient woodland, hills, mountains and countryside across Wales, Scotland and England

And since becoming a Wellbeing Practitioner I’ve settled next to the amazing Welsh Coastal Path in Pembrokeshire to host Wellness Days, Forest Bathing classes and Sound Baths across South Wales from spring through to autumn season.

Then I’ve managed to carving out time for travel each winter to immerse myself in nature, the past three years I’ve visited..

💚 Costa Rica to explore their amazing national parks, rain and cloud forests whilst deepening my nature connection.

💚 the Himalayas in Nepal, trekking, staying in an ashram and studying traditional and modern sound healing techniques

💚 also spending a ski season in the French Alps, followed by a road trip through Spain and Portugal’s coast, mountain villages and amazing National Parks.


Success these days looks very different from my previous corporate life, and life feels more liberating, purpose driven and rewarding





GTours Wales Sound Healing Therapy
GTours Wales Sound Healing Therapy
GTours Wales Sound Healing Therapy