group Walking

Meet your walking guides

Geraint Gong Bath walking forest bathing guide


Founder and operator at G Nature & Wellbeing, Geraint hosts Gong Sound Baths, Forest Bathing and Himalayan Singing Bowl Classes


Helen is based in North Pembrokeshire,  she has developed a unique awards programme for adults akin to the duke of Edinborough’s award

Geraint Gong Bath walking forest bathing guide


Lisa is based in Carmarthenshire, she has found a niche with moonlit walks and also runs entry level map skills courses

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) suggests that greenspace should be used whenever possible to support people of all ages and abilities to move more, improving their health and wellbeing and reducing the need for direct, more costly interventions

Whether for a group private bookings, retreat and corporate team day your  group walking guides will be equipped with the following:

  • FFA Level 3 Award Outdoor First Aid
  • Mountain Training Association Lowland Leader award
  • Full walking guide insurance

Which will afford yourself peace of mind as you enjoy the walk, and unwind. We’ll take care of the thinking, safety considerations and navigation so that you can focus on appreciating nature, and the benefits of experiencing AWE together.


GTours Lowland Leader Walking Tours Wales

qualified Outdoor first aider

qualified walking guide

fully insured


CORPORATE WELLNESS: Carve time out for your team in the great outdoors during a team meeting or away day

3rd SECTOR: Are you seeking activity partners to fulfil social prescribing to help de-stress and beat isolation and loneliness? (See also Forest Bathing)

RETREATS: Add a group walk to your itinerary, safe in the knowledge that you are insured and looked after by qualified guides (See also Forest Bathing and Gong Sound Bath experiences)




GTours Lowland Leader Walking Tours Wales
GTours Wales Sound Healing Therapy
GTours Lowland Leader Walking Tours Wales

    • 1 in 4 people experience mental health issues each year
    • At any given time, 1 in 6 working-age adults have symptoms associated with mental ill health
    • Mental ill health is responsible for 72 million working days lost and costs £34.9 billion each year

Physical activity can improve mental health:

    • Better sleep – by making you feel more tired at the end of the day
    • Happier moods – physical activity releases feel-good hormones that make you feel better in yourself and give you more energy
    • Managing stress, anxiety or intrusive and racing thoughts

GTours Lowland Leader Walking Tours Wales
Tintern Abbey Wye Valley GTours
GTours Wales Sound Healing Therapy

qualified Outdoor first aider

qualified walking guide

fully insured